Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm Still Here And Knitting

Well it has been a while since I have posted anything, but I am still knitting. Summer is here and I have been doing a lot of different things. I am finishing a beautiful red and white shawl. Several months ago I finished a beautiful green shawl with beaded tassels. I guess you say, "she calls all of her shawls beautiful", but they are and I am really excited and inspired by them.

I made a prayer shawl for a dear friend of mine who has breast cancer. With each stitch I said a prayer. When I gave it to her she was thrilled and said that it gives her much comfort. I was so happy.

I am also into making beaded watches of late and I have really been having fun with those. I am going to post the pictures to my blog shortly.

Please stay tuned and continue to check back.